How to Measure and Improve Candidate Engagement?

Do you believe that money is the best incentive to work? Organizations encourage their employees to work harder and be more productive to earn their keep because the most universally known incentive to work is money. For many employers, this is enough to encourage high productivity. However, to truly drive success in your organization in this day and age, you need to improve the organization’s employee engagement.

Over the past years, the idea of employee engagement has been gaining popularity in different companies across the world. Employee engagement affects almost all important aspects of an organization including; profitability, better customer retention, a safe work environment, revenue, and employee turnover, amongst others. It encourages employees to do their best work, stay longer with your company, and influences the future of the organization. The more employees feel engaged, the better it is for your organization.

What then is employee engagement? In this article, you will find everything you need to know about employee engagement and how to implement the best practices for increasing employee engagement.

What is Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a measure of how motivated and committed employees are to their work and organization. The psychological state of an employee is one where their interests are expressed and they work hard to perform above their expectations.

What Are the Key Drivers for Employee Engagement?

Several key drivers contribute to employee engagement:

Clear goals and objectives: Employees need to know what is expected of them to be engaged. When goals are unclear, employees are less likely to be engaged because they do not have a sense of purpose.

Autonomy: Employees need to feel like they have some control over their work. When employees feel like they are powerless, they are less likely to be engaged.

Meaningful work: For work to be engaging, it must be meaningful to the employee.

Compensation: Employees need to feel like they are fairly compensated. Employees who feel they are not being paid enough are less likely to be engaged.

Relationships: Employees need to feel like they have positive relationships with their co-workers and superiors. When employees feel like they are isolated or mistreated, they are less likely to be engaged.

How Do You Keep Employees Engaged and Motivated

There are several things that organizations can do to keep employees engaged and motivated:

  • Encourage employees to set clear goals and objectives.
  • Empower employees by giving them autonomy over their work.
  • Make sure that employees are doing meaningful work.
  • Ensure that employees are fairly compensated for their work.
  • Foster positive relationships between employees.

Why Is Employee Engagement Important

Employee engagement is crucial because it is a key driver of organizational success. Engaged employees are more productive, motivated, and committed to their work, which leads to better organizational outcomes.

Employee engagement is important because employees are less likely to leave their jobs, which saves organizations money in turnover costs, which is essential for organizational success.

What is The Best Way to Measure Employee Engagement

The most common method is the use of surveys. By measuring employee engagement, organizations can identify areas where improvement is needed and take steps to improve employee engagement. Surveys ask employees questions about their time, quality, quantity, and satisfaction with their work. Knowing how long employees work on their tasks, their performance, how much work they produce in a specified period, and if they are content with their input can contribute greatly to how you can improve employee engagement.

What is Employee Work Engagement

Employee work engagement is a measure of how motivated, committed, and satisfied employees are with their work. It is a key driver of organizational success, as engaged employees are more productive and less likely to leave their jobs. To improve employee engagement, organizations should focus on things like setting clear goals, empowering employees, and ensuring that they are doing meaningful work.

What Employee Engagement Is Not

Employee engagement is not the same thing as employee satisfaction. Satisfied employees may be content with their jobs, but it may not motivate them to do their best work. Although they help improve employee engagement, it’s not always an isolated factor.

Some employees may feel happy but have no interest in working hard for their organizations.Employee engagement is not the same thing as employee happiness. Happy employees may be engaged in their work, but may also be unhappy with other aspects of their lives.

Finally, employee engagement is not the same thing as employee productivity. Productive employees may be engaged in their work but also unproductive because they are not assigned the right tasks.

The challenge is finding the right combination of engagement variables that motivate team members to go some miles every day. Various factors influence this such as localization, culture, personal characteristics, processes, and communication.

What Are the 3 Key Areas of Focus In Employee Engagement

Performance monitoring and evaluation of employees become essential parts of organizational effectiveness. There are three key areas that organizations should focus on to increase employee engagement: setting clear goals, empowering employees, and ensuring that they are doing meaningful work.

1. Setting clear goals.

One of the most important things you can do is to set clear goals. Team members need to know what is expected of them and what they need to do to be successful. When goals are clear to the engaged employees, you can easily see how their work fits into the bigger picture and they are more likely to be motivated to achieve them.

2. Empowering employees.

Another key area to focus on is empowering employees. This means giving employees the authority and resources they need to do their jobs. When employees feel empowered, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and motivated to achieve results.

3. Ensuring that employees are doing meaningful work.

The final key area is to focus on ensuring that employees are doing meaningful work by ensuring that employees feel like their work is important and has a purpose. When employees feel like their work is meaningful, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to do it.

Basic Concepts of Employee Engagement

Basic concepts – motivation, commitment, engagement, and engaged workers

In employee engagement, there are four key concepts that organizations should know: motivation, commitment, engagement, and engaged workers.


Motivation drives employees to achieve results. It is the desire to do something and the energy and enthusiasm to do it well. When employees are motivated, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and more likely to achieve results.


Commitment is the dedication that employees have to their work. It is the willingness to put in the extra effort to get the job done. When employees are committed to their work, they are more likely to be engaged and more likely to achieve results.


Engagement is the level of interest and involvement that employees have in their work. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to be motivated and more likely to achieve results.

Benefits of Positive Employee Reviews

Positive employee reviews have many benefits.

They can help to increase employee morale, productivity, and retention.

They can also help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Positive employee reviews can also help to build a positive company culture. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and more likely to stay with the company.

Some tips for writing positive employee reviews include:

Be specific about what the employee did that was praiseworthy.

Use language that is respectful and professional.

Avoid making generalizations or using offensive language.

Focus on the future and areas of improvement.

Remember that positive employee reviews are not permanent. They can be revised and updated as an employee’s performance changes.

What Are Negative Employee Reviews

In some sense, negative employee reviews are written to employees whose performance has been below expectations. The writing of negative employee evaluations and their delivery is very important in all organizations seeking to improve employee performance. You must do it to avoid legal risks and to maintain employee morale.

Tips for Writing Negative Employee Reviews

The purpose of a negative evaluation is not to punish an employee, but to give him or her specific feedback about areas in which he or she needs to improve. It is also an opportunity for the employee to ask questions and discuss the areas of improvement with his or her supervisor.

Create action items collaboratively.

If your employee was receiving negative employee reviews, they are a lot more likely to be satisfied with their performance. So it may make sense for them to list actions that could be used as tools to improve. To begin with, it is necessary to:

Make it a dialogue.

Employees shouldn’t take the criticism as a sarcastic monologue. Make it a dialogue by asking questions that explain why the organization is struggling to improve. We must understand what they are bringing to their situation and how they can proceed.

Steer away from yelling.

When preparing a poor employee review, make sure you don’t yell or use offensive words when addressing it. Since your goal is to help improve employee growth and performance, yelling is only detrimental in the sense that employees become demotivated. It can negatively affect the employer’s brand as well and also negatively affect employee health.

Keep it crisp and structured.

If you have negative feedback, you can be very helpful. Instead of simply explaining the problem, try using sandwich methods. Start with positive remarks, add areas for improvement, and end with suggestions and actions to take. Example: Tina is extremely meticulous and very committed to doing her job well. But she often misses deadlines, leading to delays for 30% of her projects. The organizer could help the woman in achieving the best results by ensuring that work was prioritized in a better manner.

Don’t get personal.

Negative employee evaluations should focus on jobs or roles rather than individual specificities. Avoid combining performance and personality in words. Your reviews should focus on performance challenges. Example: Instead of stating, “you aren’t punctual”, you can tell yourself that you arrive early at meetings and leave a shorter time at talks. It would be better if you could become a little more punctual in respecting others’ time and making the most of it.

Create a safe environment.

When sending negative employee comments, you want to provide a secure environment. The situation shouldn’t be harsh, and the employees must be confident about getting your product. Also, ensure you provide it privately rather than publicly blaming employees. They need to see this conversation as a development conversation and be able to share ideas freely.

Offer suggestions and follow up.

Once you send an employee a negative review, the best thing to do is plan improvements so that your staff can perform at their best. It is an important element in employee performance management and talent development processes when the employee consistently underperformance occurs. How does an employee perform better in a company setting that requires more training?

Focus on progress.

When you write bad performance reviews, you need to look at their impact. The mere mention of what happened could cause demotivation. If we put priority on certain tasks and put together a plan of action, it is going to improve the quality of our job.

How Can Your Organization Improve Employee Engagement

The organization’s role is critical in employee engagement as it helps to set the tone for the company culture. When employees feel like they have a voice in the organization, they feel like their work is meaningful. Therefore, any organizational change that increases employee involvement and makes work more meaningful is likely to increase employee engagement.

Many other techniques can increase employee engagement at the organizational level. Below are detailed descriptions of some of these techniques;

Communication: Open and honest communication is key to maintaining a healthy relationship between employer and employee. When there is transparency between the two parties, it builds trust and creates mutual respect for one another.

Sharing the company’s mission and goals: Employees need to know where the company is headed and what its objectives are. This way, they can align their commitments with that of the organization and feel more motivated to contribute to its success.

Employee empowerment: Employee empowerment is another technique that can increase employee engagement. It involves giving employees more authority and responsibility to decide and carry out their work. Encouraging employees to share their ideas and suggestions shows you value their input and helps to create a feeling of ownership in the company. This can also lead to more innovative solutions to problems and a better working environment for all.

Recognize and reward employees: Everyone likes to feel appreciated for their efforts, and this is especially true of employees. Acknowledging their hard work and accomplishments not only boosts morale but also motivates them to continue doing their best.

Job enrichment: Job enrichment is a technique that involves making jobs more challenging and interesting by adding new responsibilities and tasks. Employees who feel like they are stagnating in their current roles are more likely to become disengaged. Giving them opportunities to learn new skills and grow within the company helps them to feel challenged and appreciated, and less likely to look for greener pastures elsewhere.

Training and development: Investing in employee training and development can also help to increase employee engagement. This is because it can make employees feel like they are growing and developing in their roles, which can make work more meaningful.


Employee engagement is a key factor in the success of any organization. By taking steps to improve employee engagement, your organization can create a more positive and productive work environment that benefits everyone. If you have been searching for ways to increase profitability, employee turnover, and other aspects of your organization’s growth, click here to read more.
