9 Tips On How to Improve Concentration

Concentration is an essential aspect of being productive in life. The more concentrated you are, the more effective you become. Learning how to improve concentration can benefit you greatly whether you are studying in school, working on a project, or just wishing to become more productive at home.

In this article, you will learn how to improve concentration and why it is so important in our lives.

What is concentration?

Concentration is the state in which people become so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the state in which, for a time, there is no such thing as boredom.

Concentration can be seen as the mental effort we put into an activity (such as reading, studying, doing accountancy, etc.). There is a direction and intensity to concentration. The intensity is the amount of mental energy we put into an activity, and direction is where that mental energy is put into.

When do you need concentration?

Concentration is necessary when we need to focus and pay attention to something for a long time. For instance, when we read we need concentration to understand the text. At that moment, we do not notice anything else around us, such as the surroundings or sounds, because we are so focused on reading.

Why is it difficult to concentrate sometimes?

The more difficult or boring the task becomes, the less likely our minds will want to concentrate on that activity. If we want to concentrate on an activity, the task must remain simple and interesting.

What happens when there are too many distractions around you? Distractions -such as noise, an internet browser opening in front of you, or people talking nearby- make you lose focus and concentration. However, interruptions can also be internal, such as having positive or negative thoughts, wondering about something, or wanting to do something else.

What is the difference between concentration and focus?

The term focus can refer to the center of attention, a focal point, or a narrowing in attention. Focus is the area where you pay attention. Concentration is the mental energy you add to that focal point.

The ability to focus on the job while ignoring distractions is known as concentration. It is the skills and knowledge that help to direct where we should be placing our focus on. Concentration is the level of energy you put into focus, the amount you focus your attention on one thing.

What are the benefits of concentration?

Improved concentration aids in learning, quicker comprehension, memory skills, attentional focus on a subject or goal, and blocking unimportant and irrelevant ideas. To put it in simple terms, this is beneficial for you as it helps you in attaining your goals and performing more effectively.

In addition, your concentration skills will help you make quicker decisions and stay focused. Concentrating well and focusing on one task at hand will make it easier to complete many activities quickly and efficiently.

An improved concentration will enhance cognitive abilities and will also boost your problem-solving skills. As a result, your well-being will also be improved.

Without concentration, we will be easily distracted and might not even follow through with what we started.

How to improve concentration?

Increasing your concentration is a great idea. It will help you achieve your goals and perform more effectively in all areas of life. We must know how to improve concentration for us to achieve this goal. Below we discuss the ways to boost concentration:

1) Focus on one task at a time

Making lists can help you focus on one task at a time. This will prevent you from losing focus and forgetting what needs to be done. When planning your day, write down all the tasks you need to get done during the day or the week before starting.

When you try to do two or more things simultaneously -something pretty common for many people- there is a high chance you make mistakes, feel overwhelmed, and consequently get bad results.

Set aside time to deal with worries

Write down all the worries you have in mind or other tasks that you need to complete during the week or day. This way you don’t have to think about them when trying to concentrate on work.


Prioritize the tasks based on their importance, so you know what activities need to be done first and which ones can wait until another day. This way, you will know exactly what your goals are, and it will be much easier for you to focus on one thing at a time and follow through with them.

2) Improve sleep

If you don’t sleep well, you may have trouble concentrating. Adults require at least 8 hours of sleep per night to function correctly. Sleep deprivation can harm your health, mood, and physical capabilities. Insufficient sleep is linked with lower levels of concentration. When you don’t sleep properly or sleep enough, it can hinder your self-control, attentiveness, and mood.

Take power naps

Power naps are a great way to increase your cognitive performance, and they also boost your energy to be more productive throughout the day. A short nap of 25 minutes can help to increase brain health and concentration.

3) Physical exercise

Exercising for a few hours per week can improve your memory, reasoning ability, and problem-solving. Physical exercise helps to increase your blood flow and consequently, it helps to deliver more oxygen to the brain. Exercise also has a positive effect on cognitive function, including concentration level.

Everyone can benefit from physical activity. Research made in 2018 on 116 fifth graders found evidence that only four weeks of daily physical activity helps to boost attention and concentration.

Start each morning with exercise

Starting each morning with some exercise can increase your ability to concentrate for the rest of the day. Do some simple exercises before school, practice, and work.

If you can exercise at the same time every day, it will become an automatic habit that you will not forget. This will be a great way to start off your day and improve your concentration. Exercise doesn’t have to be difficult, it can be something simple as running, doing sit-ups and push-ups, stretches, or walking.


Meditation has several advantages: it gives people a sense of calm and balance and it also increases concentration. During meditation, you will become more aware of your emotions, thoughts, and body sensations since you should only focus on what is happening in the current moment. This is the reason why meditation is a great way to train your concentration.

Meditation can also help reduce stress levels. No wonder it is so popular among students! It can help you stay focused for longer periods and improve your memory and learning capacity. This is extremely helpful in exams or solving complex tasks at work or school. When you feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or negative thinking, meditation can be useful to calm your mind and ease the flow of your thoughts.


Mindfulness is the act of focusing your awareness on the present moment. This type of meditation teaches you to control your thoughts and emotions by slowing them down. Focusing on the present moment will give you some time off from thinking about the future or dwelling on the past. If you practice mindfulness regularly it will be easier for you to stay focused on whatever activity you are doing at a given moment.

Use deep breathing together with mindfulness and meditation. Taking deep breaths and making them your primary focus during meditation and mindfulness will greatly improve your concentration. Deep breathing can be a relaxing moment between thinking and worrying about the future or past.

4) Develop your brain with brain games

Many brain training games can help you improve concentration. We categorize brain games as games that require you to pay attention and develop skills such as memory, reasoning, problem-solving, mental calculation, etc. There are many types of games that you can play from card games to puzzle games. An example of a popular brain training game is Sudoku which requires remembering numbers and using strategy to solve the puzzle. Other brain games include chess, bridge, scrabble, puzzles, and mahjong. Memory games, word puzzles, and calculation games are great for increasing concentration.

Brain games for kids

Brain games are an excellent way for kids to learn how to concentrate through play. If children improve their concentration level, they will have better performance in school and throughout life. Kids still need to develop and improve cognitive function a lot. Playing brain games helps to improve concentration, memory retention, focus, attention span, and a variety of other cognitive functions.

Brain games for adults

Brain games are not only for children; they are also very beneficial for adults. Adults require better concentration levels than children because their cognitive functions are more developed. Playing brain games can help them to improve their reasoning abilities, problem-solving abilities, and mental focus. Senior adults also benefit from brain games a lot, which helps them keep their minds sharp.

5) Playing video games

Video games can be a great way to learn to concentrate. In opposition to what most people think, video games can be a great way to spend time. They require attention to follow a complex set of rules. Video games can help kids learn self-control, problem-solving, rapid decision-making, and following the storyline.

Studies have shown that playing video games can increase a child’s visual abilities, hand-eye coordination, and spatial orientation. Playing video games also requires focus for a long time, which is the essence of concentration.

Not all video games increase brain function

It is important to note that not all video games are beneficial. Video games that focus on entertainment value may not increase brain development. Play video games that require focus, memory, and intense concentration that function as cognitive training.

6) Greenify your environment or visit nature

Spending time in nature has a long-term effect on the ability to concentrate. It can help improve mood and decrease anxiety and depression. Studies show that time in nature restores attention and reduces mental fatigue.

Surround yourself with plants

Plants increase air quality and may help to manage stress. In addition, a green space in your home or office is proven to help you concentrate. Having house plants around you can increase concentration and productivity. When your surroundings are full of plants, you may feel more relaxed as well.

7) Take a break

Taking a break can improve focus and concentration. When taking a break, try doing something else. Make sure whatever you are doing has little or no similarity with what you are trying to focus on. If you are reading a book, watch a video. If you are staring at a computer screen all day, try going outside. Do something that uses a different brain function than what you were doing before. This will help your brain recharge and give you the next batch of energy for focus and concentration.

Taking a short break

Taking a short break can help you increase the mental resources needed to perform tasks. If you practice intense mental effort for an extended period, your concentration will decrease. Taking frequent breaks is an effective way to improve concentration and keep it at its highest level.

8) Listen to music

Put on some background music while performing your task. This will help drown out other noises that could disrupt you during your work. Make sure the music is not too distracting. You can put on some nature sounds, electronic music or classical music.

Drown out the noise with earphones

Drown out the noise of a busy office or a noisy street by putting on earphones. It is even better to listen to some music that drowns out the noises around you. Make sure the volume isn’t too high while wearing earphones though, you don’t want to damage your ears while trying to focus and concentrate.

9) Vary your diet

Your food has a major influence on your ability to focus and concentrate. A healthy balanced diet is essential for your brain to function well. Certain foods will provide the nutrients needed by the brain while others will not, leading to poor concentration and lack of focus.

Caffeine and sugar are not always good

Many people are already aware that stimulants such as caffeine or glucose lead to increased focus, though this effect may fade off quickly. They can also lead to a crash, after which the concentration level will drop. It is best not to overdo it with these stimulants if you want to have a well-functioning brain.

Eat a good breakfast

Eating a good breakfast will provide your brain with enough energy and nutrients to function better. Make sure you include proteins and carbohydrates in your breakfast, such as fruit and yogurt.

Brain food

Omega 3 is a great brain food that will help to improve concentration and memory. This can be found in fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel but also in walnuts, spinach, and other green vegetables. Advocado and whole grains are also great; they will improve your blood flow, essential for the heart and brain. Another great food is blueberries, which contain antioxidants to protect your brain cells. They also have been shown to improve muscle functions in aging animals.

Avoid heavy meals

Eating a lot will slow down the blood flow to the brain. This will lead to slower reaction times, and you won’t be able to focus as well. Avoid heavy, fatty foods such as hamburgers, french fries, or pizza.

10) Promise yourself a reward

Taking a few moments to think about a reward for concentrating, can help you gain motivation to focus better. You can choose between an intrinsic reward or an extrinsic reward.  Examples of extrinsic rewards are watching a video, listening to your favorite song, or spending time with friends. Think about how good it will feel doing what you love after working hard to concentrate.

Be proud of yourself

The best thing you can do for yourself is look back at your learning curve and be proud of yourself for making it this far. Feeling accomplished when you finish a task will be your intrinsic reward and will also give you the motivation to continue learning and improving.

A word from Sublime People

To improve concentration, it is essential to follow some simple tips. These include taking frequent breaks, listening to music, drowning out noise with earphones, varying your diet, and promising yourself a reward. It is also essential to be proud of yourself for learning and progressing.

Next to this, training your brain to concentrate more can be done through meditation and brain games. We hope you enjoyed reading this article, and that you can improve your levels of concentration.

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