How to Keep an Employee? (14 Proven and Effective  Strategies)

Are you finding it increasingly difficult to keep good employees? Trying different strategies but nothing seems to be effective long-term? Well, in this blog post, we will provide 14 proven and effective strategies for how to keep an employee that you can start using today. Keeping up-to-date with the latest in workplace motivation and engagement trends is essential if your organization wants to retain staff, cultivate a productive work environment and achieve greater business success. Read on for our top 14 tips on how best to foster retention in your workforce through appropriate motivations and rewards.

What is it called to keep an employee?

Employee retention is the process of employee engagement and loyalty throughout the employee lifecycle. It includes employee turnover, job satisfaction, employee morale, employee commitment to their work, and company culture.

Why is it important to retain employees?

By having employee retention strategies in place, businesses can lower employee turnover rates, increase job satisfaction, and raise employee morale.

  • A stronger workforce: Companies that have employee retention strategies in place will be able to keep their best employees, which is essential for any business’s success. Keeping the most talented and experienced team members can give a company an edge over its competition.
  • Higher employee morale: When employees feel valued, respected, and appreciated, they are more likely to stay with their employer.
  • Increased productivity: When businesses implement employee retention strategies, they can ensure that employees are more dedicated and engaged in their work. This, in turn, leads to higher productivity levels.
  • Lower costs: Replacing an employee is expensive. By implementing employee retention strategies, companies can reduce employee turnover rates and save money on costs associated with hiring and training new employees.

How do you keep employees and keep them happy?

Employee retention strategies can help create a culture in which employees feel like they are part of the team and contribute to the organization’s success.

Here are 14 employee retention strategies that senior vice presidents, human resources professionals, and business leaders can implement to keep their best employees:

1. Provide competitive compensation

Employers must offer competitive salaries if they wish to retain their best employees. A good benefits package is also essential since most workers want some level of security in the form of health care and retirement planning services.

2. Create a positive work environment

A positive work environment fosters employee morale, job satisfaction, and employee retention. This means encouraging collaboration among team members, providing flexible schedules, and allowing employees to work remotely when possible. It also means creating a healthy work-life balance for all employees.

3. Offer professional development opportunities

Providing employees with professional development opportunities allows them to learn new skills and stay up to date on industry trends, which can help boost employee morale and employee satisfaction. It is also important to provide mentorship opportunities for young or new employees who are still learning the ropes.

To ensure the best and brightest personnel remain with your organization, providing a career development plan as well as mentorship opportunities is crucial. Monetary incentives can be enticing to these employees, however, many would opt for such resources over an increased salary.

4. Offer them benefits

Organizations that provide the most advantages to their employees are almost guaranteed success in securing and retaining them. According to surveys, health benefits take priority over retirement funds when it comes to worker satisfaction. With healthcare costs on the rise, a comprehensive employee health benefit plan is key for attracting top talent and keeping morale high.

Wellness Programs provide invaluable health insights to their participants and promote lasting positive behaviour modifications. By understanding more about their risk factors, improves productivity and also reduces absenteeism. This allows employees to take back control of their well-being in the long term.

In these times of economic turbulence and the disappearance of pension plans, employees are actively seeking ways to prepare for retirement. Employers could play a noteworthy role in this process by providing match incentives; not only would such an offer be highly motivating but it also serves as an excellent incentive for staying with one company.

Companies that offer their workers generous paid time off demonstrate a clear commitment to avoiding burnout and are more successful in retaining their employees. Employees appreciate having the freedom to take breaks without fearing punitive action – often even more than they value receiving an additional salary. Other benefits like performance bonuses, paternity/maternity leave, as well as flexible working hours, also go a long way toward ensuring job satisfaction levels remain high among staff members.

5. Raise employees job satisfaction

You must find ways to raise employee job satisfaction and employee retention. Companies should use employee feedback to identify areas that need attention, such as flexible scheduling, better pay, or enhanced benefits packages. An important aspect of employee job satisfaction is feeling valued by their employers. When employees feel like they are an integral part of the team, they are more likely to remain loyal and motivated.

6. Offer retirement planning services

Offering retirement planning services to employees is a great way to show them that you care about their future. This can encourage employees to stay with your company for the long-term and gives them peace of mind knowing they are taken care of. Retirement planning services can also help employees better understand their employee benefits packages, including how to maximize their employee contributions.

7. Manage with trust

Nurturing a feeling of ownership within an organization requires open communication to build trust among personnel. This allows them to feel secure that the company is heading down the right path, deterring them from departing. The new breed of leadership does not demand its workforce by exercising power and control; instead, it relies on relationships, openness, and dependability.

If your intentions are only self-serving and manipulative, it’s very easy for your team to recognize, making them less likely to cooperate with you. Therefore, for the mission of your company to be fulfilled, you must convince employees that partnering with you is a beneficial decision.

Demonstrate your confidence in your employees by entrusting them with important tasks, such as directing a crucial meeting or delivering a presentation. Keeping employees engaged will communicate that you have faith in their abilities and value the contributions they make to the company.

8. Provide clear direction

Employees must have clear direction when it comes to their roles and responsibilities in the workplace. When employees understand their job expectations, they are more likely to stay with a company because they feel like their efforts are being recognized. Having a senior vice president or team leader available to provide guidance can be invaluable in ensuring employee job satisfaction.

9. Encourage employee feedback

Allowing employee feedback helps build trust and creates an environment where employees feel valued and heard. This helps to boost employee morale, job satisfaction, and employee engagement.

10. Improve Onboarding Process

A good onboarding process is essential for employee retention, as it helps new hires get up to speed quickly and feel confident in their new job. Providing a comprehensive onboarding process can also help employee satisfaction and employee engagement.

11. Offer Paid Parental Leave

Offering paid parental leave shows employees that you value them as individuals and are willing to go the extra mile to help them balance their work and home lives. This can help employee retention, employee morale, job satisfaction, and employee engagement.

12. Allow work life balance

Increasingly, companies are allowing employees to work remotely or have flexible schedules to accommodate personal needs. Remote work can help employee retention and boost employee morale, while work life balance can improve job satisfaction and employee engagement.

13. Create a Positive Culture

Creating a positive work environment is essential for employee retention. This means allowing employees to express their ideas or opinions, providing employee feedback, and encouraging collaboration among team members. It also means rewarding top performers and recognizing the hard work of all employees.

14. Most important, hire the right people

The key to success is finding the perfect match for each job. A well-defined and regularly reviewed job description will be essential in this process. As such, recruiters should ensure that they perform exhaustive evaluations on prospective employees to determine if they possess the right abilities and temperament for the role as well as a good understanding of your company’s culture.

When staffing a service-based business, it’s critical to find employees who both understand and appreciate the concept of excellent customer care. If you need supervisors or managerial staff, ensure that they have been professionally trained as this will significantly reduce job turnover rates. For part-time personnel, consider collaborating with local universities and colleges; doing so will help you recruit top-quality candidates!


All in all, keeping your employees happy is a win-win for everyone. By following these 14 tips, you can create an environment where your employees feel appreciated and supported, which will result in better work productivity and lower staff turnover rates. What strategies do you use to keep your employees happy?