How to Set Realistic Goals and Achieve them: 14 Strategies for Success

Creating goals is only half the battle—you still have to achieve them. Most people can relate to making a list of yearly aspirations at the beginning of January, only to feel disappointed come December when they realize how few (if any) they actually checked off. When we set goals, we frequently do so emotionally, without taking the time to rationally consider what it will take to achieve or even remember the goal later.

The next time you find yourself in a similar situation, begin by setting achievable goals. Goal setting is a powerful tool that can help you turn your dreams into reality. But it’s not enough to just set goals; you need to be able to achieve them. That’s why goal setting needs to be done in a smart, strategic way if you want to see success.

What are realistic goals?

Real goals are goals that are achievable at least in the current state. To set realistic goals, you need to consider your current circumstances, the potential obstacles in front of you, and whether or not what you want is attainable. You should also take into consideration the time frame for achieving your goal and be sure to set goals that are time-bound.

Why do people set goals?

Most of the athletes who have been in successful businesses are determined by their success. Setting goals is important for achieving your short-term objectives. The course is designed primarily for learning, and helps you manage the time and resources you have so you can maximize the time spent on this.

Setting clear goals allows you to measure and enjoy your success by achieving them and seeing progress in what had previously appeared to be an unfinished grind. You will also improve your self-confidence as you acknowledge your abilities to accomplish the goal you have set for yourself.

What is an example of a realistic goal?

A goal such as “lose weight” is too vague and not realistic, however a goal such as “lose 5lbs in the next three months by going to the gym twice a week and eating healthily” is much more specific and achievable. A goal like this will be much easier to stay motivated for because you know exactly what you need to do and when.

How do you set clear and realistic goals?

When setting goals, it is important to be realistic and set expectations that you can actually meet. Start by writing down your goal and include a detailed plan about how you are going to achieve it. Make sure the goal is closely aligned with what you want in life and break it down into smaller, more achievable chunks. Once your goal has been broken down into smaller pieces, set a timeline and make sure you stay motivated and on track. Finally, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to achieve your goal at your own pace.

With careful consideration and goal setting strategy, you can create realistic goals that will guide you toward achieving success in whatever you set out to do in life. Whether it’s setting a goal to lose weight, advance your career, or master a new skill, setting realistic goals and sticking to them will give you the momentum you need to reach your desired goal. With dedication and hard work, goal setting can help you stay in the driver’s seat of your life while staying accountable.

Set SMART Goals

To achieve goals, set a smart goal.

it’s important to have specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals in mind. This will allow you to keep your focus and stay on track with goal achievement.

Set realistic goals

It’s important to have realistic expectations for goal setting and goal achievement. If you set vague goals or unrealistic goals, you’re unlikely to achieve them and may become discouraged. When goal setting, take into account your current circumstances and give yourself ample time to reach your goal so that it’s achievable.

Organize your goals

After you’re done brainstorming, you’ll likely have several goals. That’s perfectly fine! Sort your goals into three tiers: long-term, mid-term, and short-term. What are some objectives you could complete in the next few weeks? Months? Years? Write out all of them on a piece of paper. Having it all visually laid out can help you stay motivated and on track.

Write down your goals

Writing down your goal-setting journey can be extremely helpful in keeping you motivated and accountable. Writing helps to create clarity and structure for goal achievement, and provides a platform for you to reflect upon. Writing allows goal-setters to look back on their progress and gain insight into how they can continue reaching their goals.

Set a timeline

A timeline will help keep your goal setting and goal achievement on track. Try to set a time-bound goal relative to your goal, such as losing 10 pounds in three months. This will give you an idea of when your goal should be achieved and help motivate you to reach it.

Break down your goals

When goal setting, break down big goals into smaller, more manageable goals. written goals help to ensure you don’t become overwhelmed, and will make goal achievement feel more attainable. Written goals make goal setting and goal achievement much easier and less daunting. setting smaller goals can help to increase your self-esteem as each goal is achieved.

Get support

When goal setting, involve those closest to you in the goal-setting journey. It can be helpful to have a whole team of people who can help you stay motivated and hold you accountable. The support of friends and family can be a great motivator for goal achievement.


It’s important to do some research when goal setting and goal achievement. Do some research to find out what kind of goal-setting strategies work and what kind of potential obstacles you may face. Doing this will help you create a more detailed plan for goal achievement, as well as give you an idea of the time frame it will take to reach your desired goal.

Stay motivated

To ensure goal achievement, stay motivated by rewarding yourself along the way or setting mini-goals that lead to your main goal. Celebrate successes, no matter how small. A happy life is made up of goal setting and goal achievement, so enjoy the journey and stay focused on your goal.

Set expectations

When setting specific goals, set expectations for yourself and the people around you to ensure goal achievement. Set realistic expectations for the goal and for yourself. With careful consideration, goal setting can help you make progress toward achieving success at your own pace.

Stay accountable

To achieve success with goal setting, hold yourself accountable for meeting the goal. Regularly review your progress and make necessary adjustments. Evaluate the goal to make sure it is still closely aligned with what you want to achieve. If anything changes, adjust your goal and timeline accordingly. If you’re having trouble reaching your goal, don’t be discouraged; stay focused on goal achievement and make adjustments as needed.

Imagine your future

You should think carefully about the way your life should look in a different light. Imagine yourself in the future, after goal achievement. Visualize yourself as already having achieved your goal and see what it feels like. This will help you stay motivated to achieve your goal and make goal-setting an enjoyable experience.

Include everyone

Everyone has the right to speak on the goal-setting stage. Each person in a team should have the confidence to discuss their goals openly. The whole team should have a general sense of goal achievement and goal setting. All input helps to set goals for all parties involved. Write down all the members’ thoughts, even if they sound ridiculous and don’t sound good, so they can listen. Together you can explore each goal and determine how they work together for a long-term goal.

Set goals you can control

You won’t have the power to determine what you’ve achieved without your knowledge. No goals for you must depend on someone else. It should also be independent of external circumstances which you do not control. Make sure that you can take direct responsibility.

What are the 5 smart goals realistic?

Set goals that are specific and measurable

To set realistic goals, you need to have a goal that is specific and measurable. This way, you can track your progress toward goal achievement and stay motivated.

Set attainable goals

Setting goals you know you can achieve will help in goal setting and goal achievement. Be realistic when goal setting and make sure your goal is both achievable and attainable.

Set relevant goals

Make sure that your goal is closely aligned with what you want to achieve in life. Setting relevant goals will lead to goal achievement with more ease.

Set time-bound goals

Putting a timeline on your goal gives you a goal with a goal. This way, your goal is time-bound and you have more motivation to stay on track with goal setting and goal achievement.

Set goals at your own pace

While goal setting and goal achievement should remain an active process, make sure you are taking your own pace to achieve longevity in goal setting. Taking time to think about your goal is important for goal setting success.

How to achieve your goals

A goal is only useful if it can be achieved, so it’s important that you set achievable goals. Take into careful consideration your current circumstances and the potential obstacles that may come up as well as a realistic timeline for achieving your goal. Make sure that the goal you set is something that you are confident in your ability to accomplish.

Once the goal is set, it’s important to create a detailed plan on how to achieve it and break down any large goal into smaller goals. Writing down your personal goals can help keep you accountable, and setting expectations for yourself or even involving others can help you stay motivated and on track.

To achieve goals, they must be closely aligned with each other and have a common goal that links them together. Having multiple goals can help keep the goal-setting journey from becoming too time-consuming as well as vague.


Setting realistic goals is essential to achieving success. These 14 strategies will help you set and achieve realistic goals in any area of your life. Give them a try, and see how much easier it is to reach your targets when you have a clear plan in place! How do you usually set your goals? What has been the biggest challenge for you when trying to achieve goals in the past? Let us know in the comments below.
