Recruiting Internationally: expand your horizons

Talent is everywhere, and with the increased globalization of business, it’s more important than ever for companies to be able to find and hire international talent. However, recruiting internationally can be a challenge, as there are several factors to consider to be successful.

In this article, we will explore some tips on how to make your recruiting process global. Let’s start!

What is recruiting internationally?

Recruiting internationally is the process of sourcing and hiring employees from outside of your country. When a company is trying to hire personnel in an international market they recruit internationally. Other words for recruiting internationally are international recruiting, global recruiting, or cross-border recruiting.

An example of recruiting internationally is when a US-based software company hires in India because it is cheaper. The same happens when a UK-based company is looking to fill roles in its new office in Dubai.

But why do businesses choose to hire internationally? There are a number of reasons why businesses choose this type of recruiting:

  • To find the best talent: With the global economy, it’s becoming increasingly easy for companies to operate in multiple countries. This means that the pool of potential employees is no longer limited to your own country.
  • To fill a skills shortage: In some cases, you may be recruiting internationally to fill a specific skills shortage in your home country.
  • To expand your business: If you’re planning on expanding your business into new markets, then recruiting internationally can help you to get a foothold in these markets.

Recruiting internationally

The hiring process for international recruiting

The hiring process of recruiting internationally is different compared to the hiring process of recruiting locally. We can divide the hiring process into three main stages:

  1. Planning: This is the stage where you decide which countries you’re going to target and what type of employees you’re looking for.
  2. Candidate sourcing: This is the stage where you actually find and approach potential candidates.
  3. Candidate selection: This is the stage where you select the best candidate for the job.

Let’s take a more detailed look at each of these stages:


When you’re planning your international recruitment campaign, there are several factors that you need to take into account:

  • The needs of your business: First and foremost, you need to identify the specific needs of your business. What type of employee are you looking for? What skills and experience do they need to have?
  • The legal requirements: There are some legal requirements that you need to be aware of when recruiting internationally. For example, you need to make sure that you’re compliant with the visa requirements of the country that you’re recruiting in.
  • The budget: International recruitment can be a costly exercise, so you need to make sure that you have the budget in place to cover the costs.
  • The time frame: When do you need the employee to start? This will help to dictate the timeline of your recruitment campaign.

The importance of recruiting internationally

Candidate sourcing

Once you’ve planned your recruitment campaign, you need to start sourcing candidates. There are a number of ways that you can do this:

  • Job boards: There are a number of job boards that are specifically designed for international candidates. For example, has a global reach and offers a number of features that are specifically designed for international recruiting.
  • Recruitment agencies: There are also a number of recruitment agencies that specialize in international recruitment. They can help you to identify suitable candidates and can also assist with the visa application process.
  • Social media: Social media can be a useful tool for sourcing candidates. For example, LinkedIn has a number of groups that are specific to international job seekers.
  • Career fairs: There are many international career fairs that you can attend. This is a great way to meet potential candidates face-to-face. It also helps to get a better understanding of their skills and experience.

Candidate selection

Once you’ve sourced potential candidates, you need to start selecting the best candidate for the job. There are several factors that you need to take into account when doing this:

  • Skills and experience: First and foremost, you need to make sure that the candidate has the right skills and experience for the job.
  • Cultural fit: It’s also important to ensure the candidate is a good cultural fit for your company. This is particularly important if you’re recruiting for a senior position.
  • Motivation: What are the candidate’s motivations for wanting to work for your company? Are they looking for a long-term career or are they just looking for a short-term job?
  • Salary: Salary is always an important consideration when recruiting, but it’s even more important when recruiting internationally. You need to make sure that you’re offering a competitive salary that will attract the best candidates.
  • Visa: As we mentioned earlier, you need to make sure that you’re compliant with the visa requirements of the country that you’re recruiting in.

What does recruiting internationally mean?

When a company recruits internationally, they are looking for employees from other countries to fill job positions in their company. This can be beneficial for the company because managers can find employees with the skills and experience that they are looking for, regardless of where they are located. Additionally, recruiting internationally can help a company to expand its business into new markets.

International recruiting can be done in two different ways. You can look for employees in other countries yourself, or you can work work with a recruiting firm that specializes in finding candidates in other countries. There are a lot of benefits to recruiting internationally. For one, you can find candidates with unique skills and experience that you might not be able to find locally. Additionally, working with a recruiting firm can give you access to a large pool of qualified candidates from all over the world.

Benefits of international recruitment over local recruitment

When it comes to recruitment, there are many benefits to looking internationally. Here are just a few:

  1. Increased diversity: When a company looks internationally for candidates, it opens itself up to a much broader range of talent. This can include people with different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences, all of which can contribute to a more innovative and successful company.
  2. A greater pool of talent: The global job market is huge, and there are talented candidates worldwide who may be a perfect fit for your company. By casting a wider net, you’re sure to find the best possible employees for your organization.
  3. Cost savings: Hiring internationally can often be cheaper than hiring locally. This is especially true in countries where the cost of living is high.
  4. Easier to find specialists: In some industries, it can be difficult to find qualified local candidates. By looking internationally, you can widen your search to include candidates with the specific skills and experience you need.
  5. Greater opportunity for growth: When you hire abroad, you’re allowing your employees to work in a new environment and learn new skills. This can lead to greater career growth potential for them down the road.

benefits of smiling

What to keep in mind when you are recruiting internationally?

When recruiting internationally, it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • Cultural differences: Be aware of cultural norms and expectations in different countries, and ensure that your recruiting process and communication reflect these. For example, in some cultures, it is considered inappropriate to discuss salary or other compensation details during the recruitment process, while in others this is expected.
  • Visa requirements: Ensure you are aware of visa requirements for different countries and that your recruitment process considers these. For example, some countries require potential employees to have a visa before they can start work. In contrast, others allow employees to enter on a tourist visa and then apply for a work visa after they arrive.
  • Language barriers: Many countries have multiple official languages, so make sure you know the language barriers involved in recruiting in different countries. This can be particularly challenging when trying to screen potential candidates or conduct interviews via Skype or another video conferencing software.
  • Different laws and regulations: Each country has its laws and regulations regarding employment, so it’s important to be aware of these before recruiting internationally. For example, some countries have strict laws about how many hours employees can work per week, while others have different rules about vacation time and other benefits.
  • Different hiring processes: The recruitment process can vary significantly from country to country. In some cases, hiring a local recruiting firm may be necessary to help you navigate the process. While some challenges are involved in recruiting internationally, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks. By keeping these things in mind, you’re sure to find the best possible candidates
  • Salary expectations: In some cases, salary expectations may differ in other countries. For example, candidates in developing countries may be willing to work for less money than those in developed countries. It’s important to be aware of these differences and factor them into your budgeting when recruiting internationally.

A word from SublimePeople

When it comes to recruiting internationally, there are many benefits to consider. By looking globally for talent, you can find employees with a greater diversity of backgrounds, skills, and experiences. Whether you are a start-up looking for your first employee or a large company expanding into new markets recruiting internationally can give you access to a larger pool of candidates and help you find the best possible employees for your needs.

What do you think about recruiting talent globally? Share your opinion with us!
